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Wave dynamics of stratified mediums
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231 р.

Wave dynamics of stratified mediums

Автор: Булатов В.В. Владимиров Ю.В.
ISBN: 978-5-02-037506-2
Год издания: 2012
Формат книги: 60х90/16
Кол-во страниц: 584
Издательство: Наука
Тип обложки: Переплёт
Вес: 700 гр.


The monograph is devoted to research of the processes of disturbance and propagation of internal gravity waves within the vertically stratified, horizontally non-uniform and non-stationary mediums, to development of asymptotic methods being the generalization of the space-time ray-tracing method (the method of the geometrical optics, WK.BJ method), to research of the critical phenomena at generation and propagation of internal gravity waves, and also to development of non-spectral methods of the hydro physical fields measurements in the ocean.

For specialists in the field of mathematical modeling, hydrodynamics, ocean dynamics.
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